Friday, April 8, 2011

A Quick Baseball Rant

Do you know how you can tell Baseball is game and not a sport? And an irrelevant game at that? When it's played during the afternoon of a week day.

Every day there are up to half a dozen "games" being played throughout the day when anyone not retired or a housewife are either at work or in school. What other sport can get away with that shit? When was the last time Monday night Football was played on a Wednesday afternoon?

Baseball is slow, methodical and lame, and I don't understand the appeal of it at all. I don't know why people living at the speed of the 2000's willingly sit down to watch something so stuck in the 1800's, that it might as well be played on a prairie somewhere, with a little house as a backdrop. These arrogant bastards won't even play in the rain.

You know how we can make baseball a little more entertaining? Allow players to hip-check and fight; I'd love to see Jeter or A-Rod go into the penalty box for half an inning for throwing down with Big Papi. Have the season start in October and end in March, and only play in the cold snowy cities of the north. Throw a bull onto the field, or one of those crazy people chasing geese. Something. Anything to keep my attention.

Land mines might be going too far, but I'd watch every game... even if it was played on a weekday afternoon.

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